#Formal Writings

It’s Not That Hard to Secure Elections: Here’s How

It’s Not That Hard to Secure Elections: Here’s How

by Rod D. Martin August 8, 2018 More and more Democrats -- herded into it by their own Russia hysteria -- are calling for ballot security. Oh the irony. So here's a primer, for those who've been opposed to these things lo these many years (while benefiting from its...

Why Politics Matters

Why Politics Matters

by Rod D. Martin August 2, 2018 An end of day note before I leave my desk for dinner. On this day in 1934, Adolf Hitler became Fuhrer of Germany. He did not achieve this by conquest or coup, by revolution or revolt. Rather, he won an election. And then he used...

The Inherent Unfairness in Comparing Trump and Reagan

The Inherent Unfairness in Comparing Trump and Reagan

by Rod D. Martin August 1, 2018 I keep hearing Trump supporters say that "Trump is doing as much good as Reagan" or even "Trump is doing better than Reagan". But as enthusiastic as I am about the President's (multiple daily) accomplishments, let me offer some...

Reagan’s “Zero Option”, and Trump’s

Reagan’s “Zero Option”, and Trump’s

by Rod D. Martin July 27, 2018 In one of the comment threads, a friend demonstrated complete ignorance of Reagan's "Zero Option" and why I keep referencing it. Hence, this history lesson which I wrote for him, and which you need to read: The Zero Option -- proposed by...

The Aging, Childless Future

The Aging, Childless Future

by Rod D. Martin July 21, 2018 The pro-abortion (and pro-One Child Policy) left has been scaremongering the "settled science" of overpopulation since at least Paul Ehrlich's hysterical 1968 prediction of imminent global famine and civilizational collapse. They're...

U.S. Oil Production Surges

U.S. Oil Production Surges

by Rod D. Martin July 19, 2018 As I've predicted since back when "Peak Oil" was the "settled science" of the day, not only has America become the world's largest oil producer, more than doubling daily production (which was supposedly impossible), but Texas -- all by...

Mueller Indicts…People He Knows He’ll Never Face In Court

Mueller Indicts…People He Knows He’ll Never Face In Court

by Rod D. Martin July 17, 2017 If Robert Mueller is indicting people he knows he'll never put on trial, and knows he'll never have to prove his case against them, or face their discovery requests and thus the need to show his "evidence", but ABSOLUTELY REFUSES -- as...

Trump’s Actual Russia Policy vs. the Russia Narrative

Trump’s Actual Russia Policy vs. the Russia Narrative

by Rod D. Martin July 17, 2018 President Trump just: 1. Dramatically increased U.S. defense spending against Russia. 2. Arm-twisted NATO into doing likewise (for which even the New York Times praised him, and blasted Obama for failing to do). 3. Provided anti-tank...

Foolish Pastors, the American Dream, and Legal Immigration

Foolish Pastors, the American Dream, and Legal Immigration

by Rod D. Martin July 4, 2018 I marvel that certain preachers -- the same preachers who are in love with the illegal immigration that encourages people to live in a criminal subculture and be exploited by rapists, coyotes, the Chamber of Commerce, everyone --...

Mexico’s New Socialist President

Mexico’s New Socialist President

by Rod D. Martin July 2, 2018 So Mexico elected AMLO. Just to be clear, AMLO is a man who says every Mexican has an inalienable right to be an illegal immigrant in the United States. Why would he want that? Why would he want rid of his own citizens? Well, if they're...

Pray and Lobby for These Potential Kennedy Replacements

Pray and Lobby for These Potential Kennedy Replacements

by Rod D. Martin June 28, 2018 For those wondering how to pray and lobby re: the Supreme Court: First, the President reiterated his earlier list again last night and this morning. He has every intention of nominating the best possible Constitutionalist justice. He has...

Some Perspective on the Second Amendment

Some Perspective on the Second Amendment

by Rod D. Martin June 27, 2018 Some perspective on the Second Amendment, and the importance of an armed population. There are roughly 11,000 gun related homicides each year. That averages to about 27-30 homicides per day. 65% of all those murders occur in just 2% of...

The Day the Unions (and Thus the Democrats) Died

The Day the Unions (and Thus the Democrats) Died

by Rod D. Martin June 27, 2018 This is the day the unions (and thus the Democrats) died. Because without seas of union cash and "volunteers", the Democrat ground organization shrivels like a raisin. For reference: when Scott Walker did this to the obscene teachers...

Iran Admits Facilitating the 9/11 Terror Attacks

Iran Admits Facilitating the 9/11 Terror Attacks

by Rod D. Martin June 9, 2018 I posted this game changing story earlier, but didn’t have time to comment. Now I will. First, hopefully this will put to rest the idiocy that “the Saudis were behind 9/11.” No, people: al Qaeda (and ISIS, which is just a new name for the...

Actual Free Trade

Actual Free Trade

by Rod D. Martin June 9, 2018 Every one of our major trading partners imposes enormous tariffs and non-tariff trade barriers on the United States that we do not impose on them. This made sense after World War Two when we were rebuilding them, and even after that when...

Why Are Libertarians So Soft on Canadian Tariffs?

Why Are Libertarians So Soft on Canadian Tariffs?

by Rod D. Martin June 8, 2018 Our libertarian friends are freaking out that Trump is taking a hard line with Canada and Mexico in our NAFTA talks. Here are just a few Canadian tariffs that explain his point of view: 270% dairy 69.9% Sausage 57.8% Barley Seed 49% Durum...

U.S. Oil Output Jumps to Record High

U.S. Oil Output Jumps to Record High

by Rod D. Martin June 1, 2018 U.S. oil output just jumped to a record high. And that's an all-time record high, mind you. A decade ago it was less than half that, and it was "settled science" that it could only drop in half from there, not increase, much less double....

Black Unemployment Falls to Another All-Time Low

Black Unemployment Falls to Another All-Time Low

by Rod D. Martin June 1, 2018 Black unemployment falls to another all-time low, dropping almost a full point in just one month, from its previous all-time low. Not shockingly, that never happened under Barack Obama, or even our “first black president” Bill Clinton....

Open Letter From Conservative Leaders: Make Congress Work Again

Open Letter From Conservative Leaders: Make Congress Work Again

MAKE CONGRESS WORK AGAIN   April 27, 2018 Washington, DC After Congress passed, and the president signed, a $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill, President Trump made a very clear statement. "I will never sign another bill like this again. I'm not...


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Rod D. Martin is a technology entrepreneur, venture capitalist, hedge fund manager, author and conservative activist from Destin, Florida.


About Rod Martin

Rod D. Martin is a technology entrepreneur, venture capitalist, author and conservative activist from Destin, Florida.

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Peter ThielRod is one of our nation’s leading minds. He’s smart, original, and very committed—a combination that one rarely finds. Peter ThielPayPal, Founders Fund, Facebook, Palantir