#Formal Writings

Why Read the Bible Straight Through and Not Some Other Way?

Why Read the Bible Straight Through and Not Some Other Way?

by Rod D. MartinJune 25, 2023 A dear friend recently asked, "Given your strong encouragement to read the Bible straight through [Genesis to Revelation, and not some other way], how has reading in this manner caused you to love Christ more/grow in Christ's likeness...

Why Are We Really at War in Ukraine?

Why Are We Really at War in Ukraine?

by Rod D. MartinMarch 28, 2023 Why is everyone so invested in the war in Ukraine? What does the West (or China) stand to gain? There is no question: through victory, the United States and the entire world would gain an era in which wars of conquest were confirmed as...

Veggie Tales’s Phil Vischer’s Pro-Abortion Propaganda

Veggie Tales’s Phil Vischer’s Pro-Abortion Propaganda

by Rod D. MartinJanuary 31, 2023 Over on Twitter, Veggie Tales creator Phil Vischer claims that abortion is sometimes "the lesser of two evils". After failing to address his application of that thought to the rape and incest "exceptions" (which mete out the death...

Is Politics Really Downstream From Culture?

Is Politics Really Downstream From Culture?

by Rod D. MartinNovember 22, 2022 I understand the idea of “politics is downstream from culture”, and have enormous respect for that idea’s proponents. But I think it attempts to prove too much, and also plays to the preferences and biases of the church. First, I...

I Just Read the Entire Bible in 54 Days. You Should Too.

I Just Read the Entire Bible in 54 Days. You Should Too.

by Rod D. MartinMarch 6, 2022 I just read the entire Bible in 54 days. Some thoughts: First, it was easy. Yes, easy. Anyone can read the entire Bible in a year in just 15 minutes a day (yes, you read that right). Ergo, anyone can read the entire Bible in 90 days in...

Wokeness, Like All Marxism, Is About Power

Wokeness, Like All Marxism, Is About Power

by Rod D. MartinDecember 2, 2021 Here, Southern Baptist scion Grant Gaines tells us that you're only allowed to support the overturning of Roe v. Wade if you do it for non-Christian reasons. He says that if you oppose abortion because of anything the Bible says,...

Three Things About Virginia

Three Things About Virginia

by Rod D. MartinNovember 4, 2021 First, Virginia was a "lost" state: red-turned-blue and written off by all the "smart people". It was a no-hoper...where we just won back the top three statewide offices and the House of Delegates. Six months ago, or six weeks ago,...

Caring Well

Caring Well

by Rod D. MartinSeptember 29, 2021 Yesterday, after five hours of deliberations, the SBC Executive Committee adopted my motion by a vote of 77% to 23% to give the officers another week to find unity and consensus with Guidepost Solutions and the Task Force. My motion...

For the Good of the Survivors and of the SBC

For the Good of the Survivors and of the SBC

by Rod D. MartinSeptember 23, 2021 I was one of the large majority of SBC Executive Committee members who voted for the motion asking for further contract discussions over the next several days. I have a lot to say about that, but for now, this is the essence. First,...

Afghanistan: What We Should Have Done

Afghanistan: What We Should Have Done

by Rod D. MartinSeptember 6, 2021 There actually was a better answer. I told you about it in 2014, here. Unfortunately, we’re getting the exact opposite. The Taliban are now China’s clients. The Chinese won’t care what the Taliban do, so long as Chinese interests (in...

Unbiblical Orders Must be Disobeyed

Unbiblical Orders Must be Disobeyed

by Rod D. MartinSeptember 6, 2021 Another snippet from our African Development Summit at Liberty University, featuring Dean (and former Congressman) Dave Brat, NYT bestselling author Kevin Freeman, and me. Among other things, I address the travesty of absolutizing...

Socialism is Covetousness, Capitalism is the Golden Rule

Socialism is Covetousness, Capitalism is the Golden Rule

by Rod D. MartinSeptember 4, 2021 A snippet from our African Development Summit at Liberty University. If you look closely you’ll notice the former US Secretary of Defense on my panel, among others. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-FfH_mAxQg Our Faith Tells Us What...

Trump Strengthened NATO. Biden Threatens Its Existence.

Trump Strengthened NATO. Biden Threatens Its Existence.

by Rod D. MartinAugust 20, 2021 Democrats, #NeverTrumpers and #EvangelicalsForBiden (but I repeat myself) waxed eloquent about how Donald Trump was breaking NATO by demanding (wait, what?!) that our NATO allies spend more to defend the alliance against Russia. Net...

The Religion of Scientism

The Religion of Scientism

by Rod D. MartinAugust 11, 2021 A friend of mine clearly has COVID: she’s exhausted, has lost taste and smell, etc.   For complicated reasons, she had five COVID tests in the last few days. Two came back positive, three negative. But #FollowTheScience,...

Why the South Would Have Won With Grant or Sherman

Why the South Would Have Won With Grant or Sherman

by Rod D. MartinJuly 18, 2021 Long topic, which I cannot address fully here, though I won't just say "look who won and who lost". Bobby Lee made multiple critical errors, the biggest of which was making the defense of the South Virginia-centric (thus allowing Grant...

A Former Slave on the Personal Goodness of Robert E. Lee

A Former Slave on the Personal Goodness of Robert E. Lee

by Rod D. MartinJuly 18, 2021 Sunday thoughts. Robert E. Lee was personally an extremely good and inspiring man. And I am posting the story below because it should inspire us all, especially those of us who are employers or otherwise leaders of any sort. Lee should be...

The Left Calling You a “Nazi” is Projection

The Left Calling You a “Nazi” is Projection

by Rod D. MartinMay 23, 2021 Fascism, of which Naziism (an abbreviation of "National Socialism") is a subset, is not "right wing". Fascism is that variant of Marxism which, instead of taking all your stuff directly, leaves you the illusion of ownership while actually...

Solving the Crisis of Big Tech, Privacy, and Censorship

Solving the Crisis of Big Tech, Privacy, and Censorship

by Rod D. MartinMay 8, 2021 I hear from many people concerned that Big Tech has fully and finally killed both privacy and the freedom of speech. And they have a legitimate, if terrifying, point. We've certainly seen what's possible in China, with the Communist Party's...

Small Churches Have THE Voice in the SBC, If They Will Just Use It

Small Churches Have THE Voice in the SBC, If They Will Just Use It

by Rod D. MartinMay 8, 2021 I hear a lot of our smaller church pastors lamenting the state of the SBC and the degree to which their voices go unheard. I get it. So does Pastor Mike Stone, my friend whom I'm supporting for SBC President. I grew up in towns of 3,500 and...


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Rod D. Martin is a technology entrepreneur, venture capitalist, hedge fund manager, author and conservative activist from Destin, Florida.


About Rod Martin

Rod D. Martin is a technology entrepreneur, venture capitalist, author and conservative activist from Destin, Florida.

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Peter ThielRod is one of our nation’s leading minds. He’s smart, original, and very committed—a combination that one rarely finds. Peter ThielPayPal, Founders Fund, Facebook, Palantir