by Rod D. Martin
October 5, 2005
Since Vanguard PAC announced its position on Harriet Miers -- which we note is subject to future modification should there ever be any evidence one way or the other regarding what the President's nominee believes -- a lot of words have been written by very smart people. I'd like to cherry-pick a few of these and present them for your consideration.
David Frum: Miers "An Unforced Error"
National Review Editors: "A Missed Opportunity"
Washington Times: Christ Changed Miers' Worldview
Rush Limbaugh: Pick Made From Weakness
David Limbaugh: Disappointed, But Still Hopeful
Bill Kristol: Disappointed, Depressed and Demoralized
Fred Barnes: The Nominee You Know
George Will: It Might Be Very Important Miers Not Be Confirmed
James Dobson: Cautiously Optimistic