Easy answer. Because of liberal men.

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I was going to provide a side by side comparison of liberal and conservative men, but thought it might be too snarky... But you should see my AI rendering...

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I'm wondering if the reason conservatives a happier is we understand that in life/politics/culture there is no such thing in this life as perfection. That Close Enough Is Good Enough.

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That is indeed one of the biggest single reasons. Spot-on.

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And actually, now that I'm at a keyboard and not typing on my phone, I'll add a bit. What you're describing is inherent to the Marxist mindset. Believing that there is no inherent corruption in man, they assert the necessity for the state to perfect man (to be accomplished through a combination of coercion and "education").

This is all rooted in a denial of the God of the Bible.

If you understand that man is a sinner by nature, you understand that any time you give him power that isn't balanced by some other power, he'll use it corruptly. Sooner, later, doesn't matter: it's coming.

They imagine they can create a god-state that rights every wrong, makes all things safe, makes people "good" (by their ever-shifting definition), and blesses the faithful.

As a result, leftists generally -- not just women -- are angry at the world. They can't love it because it's not living up to their expectations, and it's certainly not bowing down to their superiority.

Women, being more social, are more alienated by all of this, more disappointed, more discontent, and thus more angry.

What they need is Christ. A recognition that we are each undeserving of grace is necessary to appreciating that others are flawed, that we should be gentle with them where possible, that we should not expect of them things we didn't do or think ourselves ("there but for the grace of God go I"), and love them as they are.

Within that framework, it is possible to strive for better, while still recognizing that nothing will ever be perfect this side of eternity.

Without that certainty, anger, strife, and given opportunity, totalitarianism are all inevitable.

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Unhappiest in the WORLD…it’s sad because the reason they are unhappy is because we have it too good. They make stuff up to be mad about.

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Well said! I totally agree with his point in this article.

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The men living with these unhappy liberal women are far unhappier yet…

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"They should do this not because they want to make people conservative but rather because they want to make people happy and healthy." Yes, thank you. It would be nice if they kept their eye on the ball.

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On another note, I wonder if the person in the picture is sick and tired of seeing her face everywhere all the time.

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LOL Probably. I hear she's since become a Republican. Don't know for sure.

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