They have stole from We The People. All of them need to go to jail and all assets confiscated. They shouldn’t see the light of day again. They have committed treason.
This is not rocket science. We all know this has been going on for a long time. Example: in the 1980s an apple farmer from central Washington was elected to the House (GOP). His net worth was ~$1.5 million. Three terms (that’s 6 years for those who don’t know) he lost his seat and came home … net worth >$10 million … and was handed a cushy job in the US Department of Transportation. I voted for him because he was conservative, supportive of the forest products industry, and held values mirroring my own. Like all who enter the political universe of DC, he became corrupted by the lure of money and self-advancement. No one is immune to the corruption present in the political system. I used to think that the USA was most virtuous of countries on earth … not so sure any longer.
I think we are when there's transparency. That's why so much of this has been done in the shadows, and every attempt to expose it has been labeled a "conspiracy theory".
Well, as the meme says, these days the difference between a conspiracy theory and an established fact is about six months.
Mark Green was also president of IRI before Trump 45 nominated him to be USAID Administrator. He was tied in with the NED and was a big-time McCain guy too.
Corruption and Waste Have Been Known Forever and Long Pointed out by Many including Ron and Rand Paul and DEM Senator William Proxmire of WI with his Golden Fleece Rewards that started in 90s.
Fact is Orange Nero did not a God Damn Thing About it First Term
Fact is Orange Obama signed every Omnibus Spending bill before the 2020 election that each is full of this sort of stuff. he Vetoed None.
Each of these programs are appropriated by line item.
Fact is Trump was long part of the DEM Party that made this waste & fraud proliferate and he rejoined GOP 2012
Fact is Trump out DEMs and Democrats and Soros in Both Administrations
Fact is Trump Cult is a Mireoe Image of Collectivist Cult facing the opposite direction and exhibit the same cult behaviors.
Fact is one Cant be a Patriot and Trump Cults as they are Mutually Exclusive.
Fact is Trump & Musk Conflicts of Interest and Corruption and Criminal Activity has far surpassed even the Clintons
Fact is Trump had long praised Bill Clinton as Best Prez Ever and Bill Clinton encouraged Trump to run before he declared. Presumably to split the anti GOPe vote which was 2/3 of GOP then. Cruz would have run away with the nomination. But Trump was able to win with a minority GOP cult because of a large field and Rubiot later refusing to drop after total failure.
2024 again large field but with many shills (now with appointments) to split the vote from Majority non Trump
Musk didn't discover most of this. GAO does waste and fraud reports regularly. Trump didn't do shit about it
Musk Used Sept 2024 GAO Report as a Roadmap. See SS.
Musk Lies lies by reoresenting Improper Paynents as all fraud. Imbecile lap this up.
Governing by EOs is what weak impotent Leaders do. As we said before the election, most all of the EOs will be overturned by the next Democrat. Many will be overturned by the courts. Many will be tied up in court so implemented very late in the term or never.
Trump himself scams with EOs January 2017 he did the dream of swampy o on the revolving door number 13770 but his last day in office he revoked it with another EO 13983. The whole thing was a scam by a career con man. In fact he copied the scam from Clinton who had done it when he was in office. Trump had called him out for it online long ago and then Trump did it when he was in office. That proves that it was intentional from the start.
Musk needs to be appointed and confirmed by the Senate. Read the Constitution's appointment clause in commentary on it before Trump and Musk. Musk does not want to do this because he would have to divest everything. The president is not subject to conflict of interest law but appointees are. For example Quack Doc Oz is being required to divest healthcare stocks.
Here is What the Trump Musk Corruption Circus is Distracting you from
WON’T FIT. See my self reply to this post
Trump & Musk are out of Control and Must go to prison with all assets seized.
Ukraine Constitution Does Not Permit Elections During War
Article 19 of Ukraine’s martial law legislation specifically forbids conducting national elections. Thus, for Ukraine to conduct elections while under martial law would be a violation of legal norms that predate Zelensky and the full-scale Russian invasion.
Accuse Others of What You Do 2.0b (Goebels, Alinsky & More)
Here is what is really going on while y’all distracted by small time USAID Programs (Rounding Error on Debt) and Low Levels of Criminal Deportations (We need 30,000 a day not 1,000-2,000 a day)
Musk ConMan on a Scale Not Seen B4 & Don't Forget He Lied Entire Career About Founding PayPal and Tesla which he didn't found. He is not as smart as people think or he would never have been a Democrat until 2024. He is a Rapacious Criminal Business man in the Mold of Bill Gates. What he is doing with Trump:
Trump & Musk Didn't Suddenly Find all this waste & fraud (which they then massively exaggerateninnClassic Trump & Musk Scam Fashion.They used this Sept 2024
Don't forget GOP and Trump were against H1-B abuse before Trump was bought by Musk
So he could keep blowing off American Workers for Cheap Foreign Wage Slaves who have to obey Musk every whim or lose their VISA
And Keep all his Government Subsidies and Contracts which is why he is is so wealthy. Trump was going to end subsidies and AGW Hoax funding before he was bought.
And as explained above, Musk Shut down CFPB for no good reason other than to protect X from it. This is aside from it being illegally shut down.
Cult supports a flaming a****** that told Americans to go f*** themselves in the mouth to threat Americans so he can keep fucking Real Americans (Musk isn't) by being in low cost workers that have to take Musk harsh treatment & abuse or lose their VISA. Boers like Musk from South Africa know hot to control Colored People.
You may enjoy this and respect Musk for telling you what to do.
I don't
It is likely criminal under 18 USC 241 even before Trump Sworn in.
The Day Trump’s White House Account Tweeted Him as King; the End of his Presidency Began. From TXIconoclast who Contemporaneously said The Whore Diana Normalizing Fucking Muslims is the beginning of the End of the UK
Trump Lied About Ukraine Again. It's Constitution Prohibits Elections During War. England had no election 1935-1945. Trump is now worse than Biden on foreign affairs because his Ukraine lies.
They have stole from We The People. All of them need to go to jail and all assets confiscated. They shouldn’t see the light of day again. They have committed treason.
This is not rocket science. We all know this has been going on for a long time. Example: in the 1980s an apple farmer from central Washington was elected to the House (GOP). His net worth was ~$1.5 million. Three terms (that’s 6 years for those who don’t know) he lost his seat and came home … net worth >$10 million … and was handed a cushy job in the US Department of Transportation. I voted for him because he was conservative, supportive of the forest products industry, and held values mirroring my own. Like all who enter the political universe of DC, he became corrupted by the lure of money and self-advancement. No one is immune to the corruption present in the political system. I used to think that the USA was most virtuous of countries on earth … not so sure any longer.
I think we are when there's transparency. That's why so much of this has been done in the shadows, and every attempt to expose it has been labeled a "conspiracy theory".
Well, as the meme says, these days the difference between a conspiracy theory and an established fact is about six months.
Mark Green was also president of IRI before Trump 45 nominated him to be USAID Administrator. He was tied in with the NED and was a big-time McCain guy too.
But of course. And thanks for pointing it out.
Corruption and Waste Have Been Known Forever and Long Pointed out by Many including Ron and Rand Paul and DEM Senator William Proxmire of WI with his Golden Fleece Rewards that started in 90s.
Fact is Orange Nero did not a God Damn Thing About it First Term
Fact is Orange Obama signed every Omnibus Spending bill before the 2020 election that each is full of this sort of stuff. he Vetoed None.
Each of these programs are appropriated by line item.
Fact is Trump was long part of the DEM Party that made this waste & fraud proliferate and he rejoined GOP 2012
Fact is Trump out DEMs and Democrats and Soros in Both Administrations
Fact is Trump Cult is a Mireoe Image of Collectivist Cult facing the opposite direction and exhibit the same cult behaviors.
Fact is one Cant be a Patriot and Trump Cults as they are Mutually Exclusive.
Fact is Trump & Musk Conflicts of Interest and Corruption and Criminal Activity has far surpassed even the Clintons
Fact is Trump had long praised Bill Clinton as Best Prez Ever and Bill Clinton encouraged Trump to run before he declared. Presumably to split the anti GOPe vote which was 2/3 of GOP then. Cruz would have run away with the nomination. But Trump was able to win with a minority GOP cult because of a large field and Rubiot later refusing to drop after total failure.
2024 again large field but with many shills (now with appointments) to split the vote from Majority non Trump
Musk didn't discover most of this. GAO does waste and fraud reports regularly. Trump didn't do shit about it
Musk Used Sept 2024 GAO Report as a Roadmap. See SS.
Musk Lies lies by reoresenting Improper Paynents as all fraud. Imbecile lap this up.
Governing by EOs is what weak impotent Leaders do. As we said before the election, most all of the EOs will be overturned by the next Democrat. Many will be overturned by the courts. Many will be tied up in court so implemented very late in the term or never.
Trump himself scams with EOs January 2017 he did the dream of swampy o on the revolving door number 13770 but his last day in office he revoked it with another EO 13983. The whole thing was a scam by a career con man. In fact he copied the scam from Clinton who had done it when he was in office. Trump had called him out for it online long ago and then Trump did it when he was in office. That proves that it was intentional from the start.
Musk needs to be appointed and confirmed by the Senate. Read the Constitution's appointment clause in commentary on it before Trump and Musk. Musk does not want to do this because he would have to divest everything. The president is not subject to conflict of interest law but appointees are. For example Quack Doc Oz is being required to divest healthcare stocks.
Here is What the Trump Musk Corruption Circus is Distracting you from
WON’T FIT. See my self reply to this post
Trump & Musk are out of Control and Must go to prison with all assets seized.
Ukraine Constitution Does Not Permit Elections During War
Article 19 of Ukraine’s martial law legislation specifically forbids conducting national elections. Thus, for Ukraine to conduct elections while under martial law would be a violation of legal norms that predate Zelensky and the full-scale Russian invasion.
Foreign Policy 2023
Accuse Others of What You Do 2.0b (Goebels, Alinsky & More)
Here is what is really going on while y’all distracted by small time USAID Programs (Rounding Error on Debt) and Low Levels of Criminal Deportations (We need 30,000 a day not 1,000-2,000 a day)
Musk ConMan on a Scale Not Seen B4 & Don't Forget He Lied Entire Career About Founding PayPal and Tesla which he didn't found. He is not as smart as people think or he would never have been a Democrat until 2024. He is a Rapacious Criminal Business man in the Mold of Bill Gates. What he is doing with Trump:
Trump: WEF. Soros. Bought.
All Trump Cult and Trump Voters Need to watch this which is a detailed explanation of what I am talking about regarding Eric Adams case dismissal by Trump DOJ. It's not just the dismissal is bad, it's why it is being dismissed which is even worse
Trump & Musk Didn't Suddenly Find all this waste & fraud (which they then massively exaggerateninnClassic Trump & Musk Scam Fashion.They used this Sept 2024
What if Epstein Worked for Musk ???
Don't forget GOP and Trump were against H1-B abuse before Trump was bought by Musk
So he could keep blowing off American Workers for Cheap Foreign Wage Slaves who have to obey Musk every whim or lose their VISA
And Keep all his Government Subsidies and Contracts which is why he is is so wealthy. Trump was going to end subsidies and AGW Hoax funding before he was bought.
And as explained above, Musk Shut down CFPB for no good reason other than to protect X from it. This is aside from it being illegally shut down.
Cult supports a flaming a****** that told Americans to go f*** themselves in the mouth to threat Americans so he can keep fucking Real Americans (Musk isn't) by being in low cost workers that have to take Musk harsh treatment & abuse or lose their VISA. Boers like Musk from South Africa know hot to control Colored People.
You may enjoy this and respect Musk for telling you what to do.
I don't
It is likely criminal under 18 USC 241 even before Trump Sworn in.
The Day Trump’s White House Account Tweeted Him as King; the End of his Presidency Began. From TXIconoclast who Contemporaneously said The Whore Diana Normalizing Fucking Muslims is the beginning of the End of the UK
Trump Lied About Ukraine Again. It's Constitution Prohibits Elections During War. England had no election 1935-1945. Trump is now worse than Biden on foreign affairs because his Ukraine lies.
45 Communist Goals for America Read into the Congressional Record Jan 10, 1963 by FL Senator Herlong. Read All of Them. Note #15. Annotated by TXIconoclast in 3 Posts
What Kind of Max Beta Cuck are Y’all to support these two fucks after these two tweets ?