Erdogan is the MB with a suit on, has always been my understanding. The largest mosque in the Western Hemisphere was built by Turkey (remember Obama and Erdogan photo op?) 40 miles from the White House, in Maryland.

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I had no idea Turkey was making such moves in Africa and was on the road to potentially being a regional power. But it doesn’t surprise me as President Erdogan is a madman who has always craved power and I always thought given the instability in the Middle East a new Ottoman Empire could well arise to take the reigns and the lead the region. Africa is wide open given Russia and China’s declining influence and France being kicked out. The Turks have made many friends among the nations of Africa by assisting them in training their fledgling militaries, having their back with defense pacts and generating wealth for them. Not to mention them help fight Boko Haram and other Islamist groups. It’s no wonder the African people love and trust the Turks! They are also making moves in North Africa too. Before long they’ll be moving into the Middle East itself. Israel, Saudi Arabia and Iran all need to watch out for the new Sultan and his imperial ambitions! For now it seems like the United States is holding off on picking fights with Ankara but that day will come soon enough! All the nations of the world need to keep their eye on Turkey. Their quietly, making big moves and increasing their sphere of influence! A new Ottoman Empire is far from being built yet. But what about in 10 years or 20 years from now? What if they start trying to make inroads into Egypt, Syria, Yemen, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Senegal, Sudan, the Palestinian Territories, etc.? What then? What if they try to challenge the Saudis and the Iranians for control of their vassal states like Lebanon for instance? What if they try to make trouble with their old nemesis Greece or Armenia? What if they try to challenge Russia in the Black Sea? What if they try to challenge Russia and China in Asia especially in Central Asia where millions of Muslims live such as in the Stans or Chechnya? Keep you’re eye on Turkey, western world!

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As I read this, I could not help but think about what ramifications arise from Turkey's membership in NATO?

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