Keep repeating the lies Rod. You guys won and yet you’re still talking about election cheating.

We will remember who the useful fools of the MAGA movement were when Trump’s house of

jokers falls!

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As a citizen in a state (Michigan) which allows motor-voter registration, uses the corrupted ERIC system to "cull" its rolls (it doesn't), and has more registered voters on its rolls than it has age-eligible voters in the state, the chances of fraud escalate especially if liberal mail-in voting procedures are sanctioned. Nothing in our constitution (state and federal) restricts its citizenry from raising questions about election integrity. That is a fact that both the Left and Right have long accepted. Floridians know that fact.

Although Michigan has recently enacted laws (https://x.com/i/grok/share/ItA61mSiCLW8yDODqM1G7dbuZ) which greatly reduced a citizen's ability to challenge a vote, grassroots efforts to cull the bloated voter rolls in this past election cycle are said to have had a positive impact upon election integrity; however, the state has a long, long, long way to go. Kudos to Florida for trying harder.

Rod's merely pointing out the obvious with this post: the Left should have lost bigly in his opinion. If a court case confirms that, all the better.

PS: TDS is treatable, Eric. Seek help now. Troll better later.

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Funny how you guys used to care about this issue. YouTube was filled with videos made by Democrats of voting machines getting hacked (because RUSSIA!!!!). Even Kamala Harris sponsored legislation to require paper ballots.

And then you all switched sides in 2020.

Do you think we don't see you? Liars.

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Eric your response is why you people can never hold the reigns of power. You are all psychopaths bent on enforcing your will on others regardless of what they want. There is fraud going on and we want to stop it. Please explain where the 7 million Biden voters went to? Biden never got 81 million votes and the last election proved it.

You ppl are mentally ill pushing trans, LGTBQ ideology on elementary school children. You’re crazy to want millions of illegal immigrants into the country. You’re insane to be upset because DOGE is finding billions, maybe trillions in fraud.

I don’t know what the rest of us can do. We just want to live in a sane country. We don’t want to kill our cows or chickens because of climate change, we want to manage forests so they don’t burn down, we want children to remain innocent and safe for as long as possible, we want people to immigrate legally to America and we want criminals off our streets so our wives and children can walk the streets safely.

You guys are against all of that. It seems impossible that anyone would be against these things but you all are.

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The house cleaning going on in DC is just one part of what must be done to clean up the mess we have in our government.

Cleaning up ALL voters rolls in every state also needs to be done post haste. Vote by mail has to go away, changed back to absentee voting with strict controls. Not as easy to do but desirable is going back to paper ballots and one-day counting, the way it used to be. Still some room for cheating, but at least there's a paper trail to find fraud and the perpetrators.

Finally, my pet peeve: campaign finance reform, to make it individual voters/citizens only who can contribute to political campaigns.

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You got these mixed up, Rod: Hovde-MI, Rogers-WI

I'll delete the comment once the edit is made.

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Oops! Fixed!

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How do I send Ticktin a not about what we found poll watching the very corrupt Cook County, IL, mail-in ballot counting? You would not believe all we found. The manager even said, “I don’t care about the law—I have my orders!”

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Wow, boom!

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Thanks for sharing this article Rod. As a FL resident, I’ll be interested to see the outcome of this case.

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Democrat voter fraud is not new it’s just gotten more brazen. Here in North Carolina our governor’s race is an annual exercise in fraud as corrupt judges in Durham, Charlotte, and Raleigh, take up Election Day lawsuits and rule for polling places in said cities to stay open 6 to 8 hours or more so all the bus loads of “voters” can make it to each polling place a minimum of 4 times per “person”. Doesn’t anyone else find it strange that when you deal with the courts or state agencies you can’t even so much as speak to a real person in the same day let alone actually get anything YOU need to deal with taken care of? You cannot despise the democrats enough.

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I am more than confident that this occurred in NC as well! All down ballots went to democrats when Trump won the entire state! Does NOT make sense!

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Interesting that no mention was made of the efforts by the omega4america.com organization’s efforts which has been ongoing for several years. They focus on real people registered voters whose mail addresses are illegitimate but the legitimate mail ballots are harvested by dark forces. Once these ballots come back and enter the system they are undetectable. Most reportedly “vote” democrat. If the legal team is not talking to the omega4america.com group, then they are simply not serious.

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Can you imagine the level of cheating nation-wide in the 24 general election, and Trump still won the popular vote.

My favorite is California- they counted ballots for weeks after the general - in the process a couple of republicans with decent leads after Election Day gradually lost their house races - imagine that - the polls stayed open for weeks to find some more votes.

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We were surprised when President Trump won MI but senate candidate Mike Rogers lost by a slim margin in 2024. There is a lot of dirty politics that goes on here with the Whitmer administration, so I wouldn’t be surprised if this happened here. Thousands of discarded ballots were found dumped in the trash at rest stops along I-75 going north for the 2020 election. I heard this from the brother of a woman who cleans the rest stops. She tried to turn them in but no one wanted them.

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If this stupid country wants to stop infringements against the Constitutional voting system, it needs to make nefarious tampering with our voting system a crime of Treason carrying a death penalty. Voting machines have been proven in court to be bogus. Mail-in voting is proven bogus, and we’re still using all of it. You can’t get any more stupid than that!

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