
Rod on the True Nature of Capitalism, Socialism, and the Deep State

My interview with Craig and Shelly Huey on the true natures of Capitalism, Socialism and the Deep State.


by Rod D. Martin
March 1, 2025

Craig and Shelly Huey interview me on:

  • Capitalism and the Golden Rule

  • Socialism as systematized covetousness

  • Critical Theory as a marketing scam to sell Socialism

  • How Marx and Engles hijacked liberalism

  • The nature of the Deep State

  • How and why Donald Trump is actually attempting to dismantle it

  • Why the U.S. Constitution protects freedom better than parliamentary systems

  • PLUS, Reagan’s influence on my early life

You won’t want to miss a minute of it! And be sure to subscribe to Craig and Shelly’s YouTube channel, and check out their website!

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