It's Not Too Late to Start My "Through the Bible in a Year" Reading Plan: Download It Today!
Yes, it's January 12. But it's not too late to start. And you can do it all by the end of December in just 15 minutes a day (with a bit of catch up).
by Rod D. Martin
January 12, 2025
It is not too late to start reading the entire Bible by the end of 2025. So you're a few days into the year already: so what?
Do what we do here at Martin Capital, every single year: Genesis to Revelation, Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, straight through.
Four chapters a day will do it, and will get you ahead enough that if you miss a few days (like you just did) it won't matter.
But I’ve made it even easier! I’ve created my own “Straight Through The Bible In A Year Reading Plan”. It will tell you exactly what to read each day, and even let you check off every reading assignment so you can keep up with your progress.
After a while, you'll discover that the Bible builds on itself, just like other books. It’s not a dictionary: you shouldn’t treat it like one.
Read the Bible straight through a few times, and you'll discover things you never understood before, including the relative importance of things you either underestimated or overestimated previously.
All of God's Word is...wait for it...God's Word. Everything builds on the history in Genesis. The histories later build on the Law. The wisdom books require an understanding of the history as well as the Law. The Prophets require a working knowledge of the history, the Law and the wisdom books. The New Testament is built on all of those, and on itself, in a particular order.
Yes, you can benefit from diving in anywhere. But why would you? You don't do that with other books, aside from the dictionary. There's a reason.
This year, read Genesis to Revelation, straight through. And then do it again next year. And discover the amazing exponential learning curve God has provided you when you simply take His Word seriously.
Oh, and here’s a bonus! It’s my List of Mandatory Dates, the timeline you need to get what’s going on. You take time to figure out the timeline in Lord of the Rings, or The Godfather Part II, or Star Trek, or even your favorite soap operas. You understand that’s necessary to follow the story.
Why do you treat the Bible differently?
This download also includes my recommendations regarding (1) the best study Bible, (2) the best maps/atlas, and (3) the best Bible app. Don’t miss it.
Reading the whole Bible straight through in a year only takes 15 minutes a day. If you just have to follow some other reading plan too, go for it. Will the world really end if you read more Bible instead of less? Seriously.
Here are a couple more resources you’ll enjoy:
And finally, if you really want to go crazy with this, try reading the whole Bible in 90 days, or even as few as 45. It’s one of the best things I ever did, and it makes it possible for you read the Bible more than once a year.
I strongly recommend this. But you might want to have read it all the way through a little more slowly (possibly two or three times, with your timeline and maps close by) before you try it.