The most important revelation of the last three years: it was all a lie.
Bart Barber: "What the investigation found after looking hard to see if they could find a time when the Convention or the Executive Committee knew about abuse and failed to report it, or facilitated an abuser being able to continue to abuse, they didn't find any instances where the Convention or the Executive Committee did that...
"That would lead me sometimes to say we know the Southern Baptist Convention has never made a mistake in terms of not reporting abuse."
To which I would just add one thing.
Russell Moore was a mandatory reporter. He claimed he had personal knowledge of children being abused at the EC. He hasn’t reported that to police, not even to this day.
So he either lied, or he’s been a felon for the last four and a half years.
There’s no in-between.
But of course we know the answer. Because the Guidepost investigation substantiated exactly zero of Moore’s claims.
This was planned long ago
Shut the doors unfit for service