This is probably the clearest, and and most sane discussion of the return of Donald Trump as any I've seen in the past few days.


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I agree. It opened my eyes beyond more than just a thought- he made it a reality with a real life picture of the evil bad guys. Why are they all not in prison is beyond me. The founders of this great nation would have already hung them.

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Beautifully and clearly written exposé!

"The laptop was very real. The FBI had known this since 2019. So did each and every one of the 51 who signed the letter. They used their apparent authority and the full power of the federal government to sway an election..."

I'll go even further. I'll say the laptop is precisely *why* Joe Biden was selected by the Deep State to figure-head our country for the last 4 years. Once they had all that evidence in their possession (in 2019), making Joe the president was a no-brainer. They needed a puppet leader, who wouldn't disagree with their dictates in any way, and Joe fell right into their laps. They then cleared the way, pushing all other candidates out of the race, presumably with various offers or threats, so they could crown Joe king and run the show unopposed by anyone, hopefully forever.

Donald Trump is probably the only person alive right now who could stop them. Everyone pray for his continued health and longevity!

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Completely agree.

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Brilliant analysis Maria.

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>>"Sixteen years ago, Barack Obama promised two things: (1) hope and change, toward (2) a “fundamental transformation” of America. He succeeded. He just didn’t finish the job. That was left to Hillary Clinton ..."

I believe that the plot started well before that (with Obama plugged-in in 2008 as he was seen as the more "it" candidate than Hillary in that cycle). Note the 2007 book by David Horowitz "The Shadow Party: How George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Sixties Radicals Seized Control of the Democratic Party" https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-shadow-party-david-horowitz/1100327926 ). Arguably, that takeover was executing Saul Alinsky's early-1970's advice to put on a tie, burrow into the system, and execute an Antonio Gramsci-like "long march through the institutions."

As for the permanent bureaucracy, Woodrow Wilson (the first "Progressive" President) laid the foundation upon which FDR built his "alphabet agencies" (in turn added to en masse in the 1960's). From the Wilson era, the book "Philip Dru: Administrator" illuminates the Progressives' designs along those lines (the Intro here provides a good description: https://robertwelchuniversity.org/PhilipDru-final.pdf ).

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I have always thought Obama was dangerously wrong for the country.

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Learn how COVID was used to demoralize, purge and infiltrate, the military

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Contact TV channels, offer to cover this topic. The whole country should talk about it!

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Thanks and blessings for your good work! 🙏

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Without any doubt this is a great first move to ‘drain the swamp’. I am not 100% convinced about the new administration and its relationship with the NWO, Agenda 2030 and the rise of the digital surveillance state. Only time will tell but if there is more coming from where this came then it cannot be bad for real freedom and the rule of law which has been all but lost everywhere over the last few years of total madness.

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The Pendleton Act was a disaster for the Republic and utterly anathema to its Founding.

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If we are indeed the news now, Rod, you qualify for the first Pulitzer. This work is the new benchmark. The significance of this maneuver is the first real nail in the coffin of the deep state. Without its removal, we are indeed ruled by a sanctioned secret society.

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Thank you! That really means a lot!

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The deep state's deep state is Zionist Israel. Everyone knows most of the House and Senate is bought or cowed. I can't take your article seriously.

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Oh well. Thanks for sharing.

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The deep state in this country had its roots long before Israel was a country. Read Ned Ryun’s book recently published. The deep state isn’t Israel.

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Ned did a great job on that. And yes, by definition, the Deep State is that large group of unelected federal employees who mostly cannot be fired and who can and do make and enforce policy independent of the elected branches.

The Civil Service Act was the first and most foolish step in this direction. The erection of the Administrative State, concentrating unelected legislative, executive, and judicial powers in multiple "independent" agencies was an intentional abomination.

Perhaps there was a time when shared values meant that we could count on those millions of people to do their jobs honestly and follow orders from higher up. Those days are long gone. And human nature being what it is, it was never going to last.

So we are ruled by an unelected elite that considers itself above the law, not least because it is: it can't be fired.

Trump and Musk are about to show just how creative they are, though. We MUST restore power to the elected branches if Americans are to have ANY ability to govern themselves.

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I hope you’re right. Trump said he’s going to release all the JFK, RFK, MLK assassination documents. I watched Patrick Bet David analyze the reasons why Trump was doing this and get it wrong. I think Trump wants to do this to show the voters (what many of us already know) the CIA (and other conspirators) killed these men. What’s Trump’s motivation beyond getting the truth out? To gain even more public support to dismantle and rebuild not only this out of control agency but all the three letter agencies. For those of us that were alive especially for when JFK was assassinated I hope he does it and then tears them apart and rebuilds them the way they’re supposed to be.

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I've heard that the deep state (unelected 4th branch aka the Administrative State) calls the executive branch & cabinet "the summer help"

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Certainly the deep state was around before Israel, but nowadays it's more deeply rooted and the primary driver of US foreign affairs and domestic financial affairs, is Israel.

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Israel “the primary driver of foreign affairs and domestic policy”. Stan you can’t produce one shred of objective information to back up a claim like that. Except perhaps be the Gender studies department at Harvard.

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There is a mountain of evidence, over decades, all easy to find and independently verifiable. So voluminous, in fact, that the full presentation is far beyond the scope of a response on a blog. In my experience, the only ones that reject all the readily available evidence do so willfully due to ideology or agenda, in which case no amount of evidence will suffice, and argument is utterly pointless.

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That’s what I thought, you have no evidence. I’ll give you a hand here, no one I’ve read makes claims like this outside of the virulent anti semitic left.

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You have to do your own homework. Actually, you can restrict yourself solely to reading decades of Israel's own news outlets and the truth of the matter will still be clear. But one has to value the truth more than ideological discomfort. Fare well, bhs66.

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Great insights, clearly articulated. To ensure this totalitarian Marxian impulse does not arise again, we must March back through the institutions uprooting the worldview presuppositions that have resulted in our current state. Furthermore, we must cultivate a biblical worldview that gave rise to this nation in the first instance. America was ideologically hijacked beginning in the realm of higher education and it worked its way through culture, reshaping America into its own Marxian, Marcusian, Maoist, image - Whose face is that of the Devil.

Trump can do a lot to help stop the cultural carnage. But families must enlist in the generational slog through the institutions, sweeping them clean and planting distinctly biblical seeds.

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You could not be more right. And yes, Trump is going to achieve a lot (barring assassination or the Sweet Meteor of Death), but this will NOT be over in a short four years, and it will take all of us engaged, doing what we can with what we have where we are. As a friend of mine says, "Rome wasn't burned in a day." It's going to take a while to clean things up, just as it's going to in Los Angeles.

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I stumbled on your substack in my feed. I look forward to exploring your posts. Thanks for sharing your insights.

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And now the President has rescinded LBJ’s EO re affirmative action. Things are a changing.

Thank you for this post. I can see why you had 15M hits.

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Thanks! It's up to 18 million now. Wild!

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One thing that seems obvious is that manipulative strategies have been used for a long time to convince scared people to get in line and join the more "riteous" group or more "intelligent" group or more "humane" group or whatever group is considered more appealing for whatever reason. We are tribal creatures and when we're emotionally or spiritually immature, fear dictates our behaviors. I agree with much that is said here. I used to be a follower of leftist ideas and believed MSNBC and thought Trump was dangerous. I decided that hating him was bad for my health and vowed to stop. Then Covid happened and the "wall" came tumbling down. The vaneer dropped. But now, I am wide eyed and don't believe any BS any more. I stay clear of cultic thinking. I'm a very spiritual person and see Truth within just about every religion but the practitioners most often fall short of truly understanding the fullest potential of their spiritual reality. As a result they think their religion is better than the other. Again, it creates conflict through tribal and cultic thinking. I laughed out loud at the bit claiming Christianity uses peaceful persuasion. First of all, we know that isn't true throughout history, just ask the Native Americans. Secondly, if someone needs persuasion then maybe what you're offering isn't ringing true for that person. Maybe they have another calling. Many Christians find that completely unacceptable, which is where a Buddhist or Hindu or an Indegenous believer in Shamanism or an atheist in the USA may not want a completely conservative supreme court, for example. Are our only choices conservative Christian or communist justices? Geez, maybe we humans need to effing grow up and see beyond those limitations.

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We mostly agree, obviously. However, I must take issue with your thoughts on persuasion, in two parts:

1. Nothing sells itself. If you do not tell people about something, and explain why its important, they have no way to know. That's as true for Christianity as it is for life insurance or lip balm. Or winning elections.

2. You can always find exceptions, but 2,000 years of Christian history shows that Christians DO operate by evangelism, not by the sword. The faith that conquered the entire Middle East, North Africa, India, and half of Europe is Islam, whose "sacred" book expressly requires violent conquest and conversion. Christ's Great Commission requires (here's that word again) peaceful persuasion.

I would just add that no one follows what they claim to believe flawlessly, not even extremely evil people. So I am not overly troubled by the errors of this or that Muslim, Hindu, or Christian. Indeed, when Muslims do NOT live entirely consistently with what the Koran requires of them, I'd say that's a great blessing to everyone involved.

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All of my spiritual awakenings and insights did not come from any person trying to persuade me to believe anything. All of my spiritual understanding comes from tacit recognition of Truth. Our heart knows that we are here to transcend the limitations that we place on ourselves and others due to fear. Belief is unnecessary and so is persuasion. I hope that soon practitioners of every religion or spiritual tradition recognize our unity in consciousness and our shared attraction to love. I feel no need to persuade anyone to practice the religion that I practice. I am only interested in a shared recognition of a greater reality and ask for the freedom to persist without judgement. I wish that for all of us. I feel that we are moving closer to that becoming a possibility. A mature practitioner will not be bothered in the least if someone else doesn't exactly share his/her beliefs or understandings.

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A good article. I noticed the fascist means to bring communist ends years ago. Not only did China employ this strategy when Deng Xioping succeeded Mao, the US under post Reagan leadership has done the same.

The Democrats are far better at using federal district courts to nullify executive actions done by Republican presidents as we saw with lawsuits filed in favorable left leaning circuits during Trump’s first term. While conservatives have had some success with the Supreme Court, they have been often frustrated by these fellow traveling judges in the circuits.

I think the author gets something wrong in his failure to look past the fact that Democrats sided with Hamas. All Christians need to reevaluate their pro Zionist beliefs: Israel committing genocide is unacceptable, and whomever the people of Israel as a race, or state, calls Amalek—whether it be Palestinians or western nationalists—must be destroyed, and is most unacceptable for any Christian to overlook.

What problem may be bigger than the permanent deep state bureaucracy? Clearly it is the problems of dual state citizenship and foreign influence in our politics. Looking at the world from a higher altitude, you must go back to the New Testament where Christ The Logos—Logos meaning both the Word Incarnate and the rational order of the universe, against those who killed and thereby deny this rational order and who would forever be revolutionary—as the “enemy of all mankind”, said St.Paul in 1Thessalonians 2, and the Messiah Himself said in John’s Gospel, about that same enemy who since the crucifixion have remained revolutionaries in every state where they were invited to dwell.

Democracy is a word, like fascism, that people do not understand. When a small population can have so much influence over the far greater populations in the most influential country of the world, there is your exploitation of democracy serving the interests of a very small minority over the general will of the majority. The majority is unaware of this and are being ruled not by rational people but rather by a minority who believe it is their right and privilege to rule all, and whoever opposes them is Amalek.

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We'll have to agree to disagree on Hamas and Israel, but otherwise spot-on. Couldn't agree more.

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Respectfully, I cannot understand why Christians look the other way on this matter. Only in recent years did I decide to stop shaping my beliefs about politics on what was Conservative or from the Republican Party and decided to look through the lens of, stated broadly, the Christian Church. Whatever Middle East strategic interests my government might have, must never be at odds with the Church, for if we are at odds, then aren’t we guilty of eroding the civilization that was built on our faith and in doing so, eroding that civilization , in concert with those who also wish for the destruction of the rapidly contracting Christian tradition? There is no moral justification for the overkill we can call genocide in Palestine.

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