Thanks for the history lesson. The details of this long march through this institution deserve more publicity. Glad that the sheer magnitude of the “fraud, waste and abuse” as well as the unaccountability. cronyism and misplaced political agenda are now seeing the daylight in which they cannot survive!

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We're going to finally clean up all this corruption, and in the process, largely defund the left. It'll be amazing what's possible when the other team doesn't have an enormous unfair advantage.

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Very interesting! Thank you. After reading I believe Obama was the worst president we have ever had because he wanted to fundamentally transform this country into a Marxist society, thereby, negating what the founders intended. Also, it was not what Americans wanted America to be. Biden was really a puppet managed by Obama or his like-minded people. It makes me furious! Thank God Trump and Musk discovered it!!

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