“More than doubled”, brother they more than tripled it.

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You are correct. I'll fix it.

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This is a really good assessment of the Greenland picture. I do love that about President Trump....that he really does want win-win agreements with others (China excepted).

I will say this: If they hate President Trump, we can rightly surmise that they're involved AT LEAST in financial malfeasance. Also, those who most vehemently oppose POTUS are those who are clientele of Epstein, perhaps Diddy, and many others as yet unnamed.

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Thanks for spelling out this Trumpian priority, which seemed to come out of nowhere. You’ve explained it right down to the vast discrepancy in the public opinion polls of Greenlanders, to the mutual economic and strategic benefits for both Greenland and America. I certainly didn’t hear any other news reports about the encouraging election results in Greenland, or know that one of the upset election winners had attended Trump’s inauguration. Unfortunately, Denmark did seem pretty recalcitrant. But you’ve made it clear that Denmark cannot and has not delivered anything close to the benefits that would come from US ownership - plus they’re letting China gain a foothold. Suddenly, this Trumpian priority makes perfect sense.

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And not only that, but Greenland very much wants to separate from Denmark. There's a reason. Note that whole thing about the "historical trauma" of the Danish colonial legacy.

There's a chance to make a good deal for everybody. Except China and Russia.

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Let’s get ‘er done!!

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Wow! Its like Alaska but without Murky and her captive welfare state base.

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