Trump is rocking the bloc not only by cozying up to the Kremlin and upending the Western alliance, but also by directly intervening in national politics and supporting the rise of far-right parties. Don’t be fooled

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Not really responsive to the article.

Also just false, as we published yesterday.


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People who think critically and search for the raw news instead of blindly continuing to follow the thoroughly discredited legacy media hold nothing but contempt for such vacuous ramblings that you hope will convince those who absolutely KNOW better.

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Critical thinking is important, and it’s always good to question sources of information. However, dismissing entire media organizations outright can be just as limiting as blindly trusting them. The key is to analyze multiple perspectives, verify facts from credible sources, and be open to refining one’s understanding based on evidence.

If you’re making a broader point about bias in the media, it’s true that all media outlets have some degree of bias, whether intentional or not. But outright rejecting everything from certain sources without scrutiny can be just as misleading as blindly accepting information. Would you agree?

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No, I would not agree except for critical thinking being vital and I would add, scarce.

I dismiss any source that consistently broadcasts the most egregious lies, will NOT report TRUTHFULLY a vast amount of what is going on that people must know, that utterly vilifies people, that persists in keeping people divided, and who have been the voice of the most evil entities this planet has ever known. Those who want to trust anything whatsoever that these utterly corrupt individuals have to say are merely fooling themselves.

The directive of a media entity is to report the facts. They are and have been used for many years to shape the narrative so that the sheeple are more easily led to believe whatever the 4 am talking points are. I'm thinking that the term "mockingbird press" is not one that you're familiar with. This is easily seen if one's eyes are open.

The legacy media is part and parcel of the intense spiritual warfare that is swirling around us and everyone else. I hope that you begin to re-examine the veracity of said media. I have a dear friend who still maintains what you said in your second paragraph. I love him dearly but he's utterly misinformed and mystified about so many things that are plainly obvious once one gives no more attention to the media casters. THAT is when things begin to make sense and fall into place.

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Free speech is for conservatives too, not just people who agree with Starmer.

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Thank you for sharing this. So disheartening.

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Could have been us if Kamala had won.

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Boy no kidding!! Dodged a huge bullet there!!

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I am so sorry for what you have endured. Hopefully, there are forces in the UK who will be able to overcome those who are censoring citizens. Thank you for sharing.

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The English colonists who settled on this land many years ago finally realized that they wished to and were determined to keep their freedom to live as human beings were meant to live. The people of the UK apparently have never understood that their right to speak freely is inviolable, including making comments and posts online. They were disarmed long ago, and no longer have common law courts to rightly settle things (we lost that in 1938(?) with the Rules Enabling Act--must claw that back as well). Our Second Amendment is still intact but must be entirely freed from any and all color-of-law incursions. The corruption and rot is deep here in the U.S. The UK not only has corruption and rot but they do not have the tools and the will (yet) to pursue these things. History has shown that people will tolerate much abuse for a long time before they finally stand up and fulfill the last part of FAFO.

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