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Good article. I've studied this phenomenon for years now. It still leaves me puzzled and grappling with the idiocy of the leftist framework.

I'm leaning toward genetic predisposition as a possible cause. Nietzsche called it slave morality. A few decades earlier Robespierre had tapped into the same sentiment during the French Revolution. Marx identified it, ran with it, and introduced the oppressor-victim narrative into the tapestry of western civilization. Lenin and the Russians took it from there, as did Mao.

I tend to believe the Pareto distribution comes into play as well. As with all species, most sapiens are hardwired to be non-productive. That doesn't mean all are free riders, but it does mean that most are happy to allow others to carry most of the burden.

This is all consistent with the woke mind virus. In any given society, the successful are always fewer in number. This gives rise to envy among the masses, which is easily converted into resentment, which ultimately translates into "oppressed." And who to blame? The successful.

And so the cycle continues.

Yes, it is and always has been about envy. Since Cain and Abel -irrespective of whether you believe the biblical account, envy goes back -way way back.

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