Profoundly informative...!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Thank you!

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you're freakin brilliant, and able to translate that into print...! Truly His gift to you!

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Great commentary! It’s interesting that Dems have reclassified insubordination as “resistance.” President Trump should call Mr. Nagy to the White House and fire his ass on national TV.

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May I humbly offer a few additional observations:

What we have endured is a "long march through the (Constitutional Republic) institutions" to - in the boiling frog sense - "fundamentally transform" them from inside;

One could argue that the process originated with the Fabian Socialists in Great Britain, and executed here by the so-called "Progressives";

The first Progressive President (Woodrow Wilson) disdained our Constitution, and built a foundation for FDR by installing the (unconstitutional) Federal Reserve, the income tax and direct election of U.S. Senators;

Wilson embraced the concept of an unelected, unaccountable administrative state (see, e.g., "Philip Dru Administrator" https://robertwelchuniversity.org/PhilipDru-final.pdf );

FDR didn't let a "good crisis go to waste" (the Great Depression, arguably caused by the Federal Reserve) and brought us the "alphabet agencies" of the administrative state. LBJ later gave that a second leap forward in the 1960's, and then Nixon put a cherry on top (EPA and OSHA, for example);

FDR's program was at first declared unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court. It later "took a knee" after FDR threatened it with a "court packing" threat.

As Mr. Martin opines, much if not all of the administrative state should be declared unconstitutional. Whether the current john Roberts U.S. Supreme Court is prepared to reinstate our Constitutional is not something to be counted on.*

*I've wondered to myself if such litigation should await, e.g., release of the Epstein client list and other disclosures. I can imagine a scenario where suddenly President Trump has multiple post-resignation Supreme Court nominations to process, and with "lessons learned" from his first term, would vet to ensure Justices with fealty to our Constitution.

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Completely agree. And also, as to the Supreme Court, I really do think we have five votes even if not six. But as always, it's going to depend on the case.

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In order to govern make them independent they been using us for decades our tax dollars going to anything unsound they want us to bail them out while they drill bigger holes in our Lifeboat 🤔

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Thank you Rod. Another great article with important insights into the issues with our current government. Let’s hope that President Trump will succeed in leading us back to the promised land that is defined by our constitution.

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The good stuff, thank you for the cliff notes version of a great history book

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I need to write that book!

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Well done

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Thank you for this very informative substack. I was very hopeful when the Chevron Doctrine was overturned. It appears it is even more difficult than I thought. The judiciary seems to be overtaken by progressives who keep throwing hurdles down in front of Trump. God help us regain our republic. The American citizens are fed up!

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Are you ready to kill them all???

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Worse. I'm ready to make them all work for a living. In the private sector. LOL

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Great Post. Thank you. Everything keeps getting more clear. This article is a great explanation😃

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An important and informative piece that should be before every eye(s) in America. Thank you, Rod D. Martin.

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Thank YOU!

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