Economic sanctions are an act of war. Weaponizibg the US Dollar through sanctions will only accelerate the move away from the Dollar. If the Dollar is replaced the result will be massive loss of value and nobody will buy US Treasuries, ending the ability of the US Government to borrow new money into existence. Trump's advisors have doomed the American Empire to its final act of folly.

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"The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated." - The U.S. Dollar

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If they could move away from the dollar they already would have. Russia has an economy smaller than Texas. China's non-convertible currency is facing disaster due to its demographic implosion and impending deflationary spiral. Who's left, the Euro?

It's telling that after Trump got elected Putin announced (contra all prior statements) that he has no intention of challenging the dollar.

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I agree that Trump has greater determination to counter Putin's Russia and stop its war against Ukraine. But it won't be easy and fast. Let's see what he can do.

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