by Rod D. Martin
November 24, 2006
Last night, my friend Dr. James Dobson appeared on Larry King Live and explained how, from his perspective, the Republican leadership blew it in 2006.
But he didn't stop there. As reported in a story at, Dobson also addresses the allegations of former White House aide David Kuo, who claims in his recent book Tempting Faith that President Bush and his aides used and abused the Christian Right. "The man doesn't know what he's talking about," Dobson says, explaining why and setting things straight.
Even so, as the headline implies, this is not to say that Dobson is happy with things as they are. He particularly singles out former House Majority Leader Dick Armey (now Chairman of FreedomWorks), who has recently raised ire by calling Dobson and his followers "thugs". "Dick Armey is an economic conservative, he's is not a social conservative. He doesn't like to talk about marriage and about the unborn child, the sanctity of life and things like that. He wants to talk about smaller government. We believe in smaller government, too. We're economic conservatives, too, but we're also social conservatives, and he's not."
In short, Armey likes the benefits of social conservatives' presence, but doesn't want to have to count them an equal part of the overall conservative coalition. This is idiotic (all the more so out of such a brilliant man): without social conservatives a Republican majority would be impossible, and indeed, this year that fact became all too clear yet again, as millions of social conservatives who voted in 2000, 2002 and 2004 stayed home. It is even more short-sighted still considering that the vast majority of Evangelicals are not merely social conservatives but economic, defense and gun-rights conservatives as well.
Jim Dobson, even in his apolitical days, has done more for conservatism than a thousand David Kuos or Dick Armeys. His points are dead-on, and illustrate one of our key reasons for being: America needs a new, better conservative movement, and a renewed, reinvigorated Republican Party. Evangelical Christians are absolutely essential to that. They can make a difference, but a positive one only if they show up. And if they're smart when they show up, they can run the table, to their own and all their allies' benefit.
We mean to make it happen.