“Biden may have brought a semblance of normalcy back to politics”

Covid-19/lab leak is racism

George Floyd/BLM

Greta Thunberg’s climate hysteria

The1619 Project

Defund the Police

Abolish ICE

Transgender rights movement

Open boarders and sanctuary cities while ignoring child trafficking, sex trafficking and fentanyl deaths

Opponents are racists, Nazis, and garbage

Opposing views/truths are disinformation and need to be censored

Replace meritocracy with DEI

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If you've followed my writing you know exactly how I feel about Biden. But that's not George's point. He's talking about the pre-Trump (Obama) status quo ante, the highest expression of the failure of the old era that's passing away. So "normalcy" is from the perspective of the keepers of that old order, which is about to be swept away.

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This was one of the best and most well-written articles I think I’ve ever read! Thank you gentleman! George Friedman and Neil Howe both deserve a Pulitzer Prize for their respective books! This article is packed with a treasure trove of valuable historical insights! They are 100% right that history and time too are linear but they still move in cycles-patterns one can clearly see. Their predictions are rarely wrong and I see very clearly the trends they speak of in this article throughout our history. I will be to purchase both of these essential books every American must read! I definitely agree, 2028 will be the most important Presidential election since 2008 when Barack Obama rose to the White House. It also I think will the beginning of times starting to get better and America and the West getting back on track. I definitely believe the United States and the West in general have a bright future and that we can weather the storm of the past few years. The third world’s future I think depends on where we’re talking about. Outside of Israel, the rest of the Middle East I fear will only continue to see turmoil and war for the foreseeable future. Iran will become a pariah state in the region given their colonization of many countries, building of nuclear weapons, gender apartheid, and authoritarian leadership. I think more Muslim nations will join the Abraham Accords. Gaza will take decades to rebuild. Sadly, I see no Israeli-Palestinian Peace Accords coming anytime soon. Qatar and the Gulf States will be key players in the future of the region. Latin America I doubt will see the needle moved much either. I don’t see the political and societal instability in the region getting any better given the power of the drug cartels, dictatorships, unstable governments, high crime, racial tension, and high rates of unemployment, poverty and food insecurity. Asia I see having a bright future. Japan and the Asian Tigers will rebound, China is gradually on the decline, India is rising, and the Indo-Pacific is the center of attention for the United States. Japan will continue to rearm. India I think will come to rival China as the leading nation in Asia I think. I see America, the West and Israel forging closer ties with India. I see North Korea slowly but surely becoming more open as they will more and more depend on trade with the outside world. Africa will continue to be poor, but I also see some African nations making great progress. Cuba seems to be stubbornly sticking to its old Communist ways so I don’t see things there changing much anytime soon. I see the EU and Brazil as future potential superpowers. For the time being, political populism in the western world will continue to go strong.

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For thousands of years, society was a pyramid: god or gods bestowed rights upon the ruler, and the ruler granted privileges and immunities to those who swore some version of homage and fealty. As for the workers at the bottom, to include slaves, serfs, indentured servants, etc., life was short and hard.

Athens--for citizens only--did go with a democracy, until Socrates and Critias gutted it.

I am impressed by Polybius' 6 stages of society: Royalty (Tyrant), Aristocracy (Oligarchy), Democracy (Mob Rule).

Jesus reversed the pyramid, saying God was in each one of us, and what got him tortured and nailed to the cross was telling Jewish pharisees and teachers of the law to give to God what is God's and to Caesar what is Caesar's. This cut off the money (tithes) to Caiaphas and others who wanted to be paid as the link to God's will. Jesus learned the religion of the god Isis while in Egypt and found it ideal for imposing the inverted pyramid of society unto the Jewish pharisees and teachers of law, as well as the Romans, both of whom preferred the pyramid structure (as long as they were at or near the top). In fact, the Last Supper of Osiris had been painted unto mosaic before Jesus' time.

Fast forward to the oily prosecutor Sir Edward Coke, whose mistreatment of good Sir Walter Raleigh is notorious. Mad with power, Coke goes to the next level as head justice of England's notorious Starred Chamber, although much of his efforts were to quell the whims of abusive monarchs. However, once out of power, Coke realized how bad life was when rights were dependent on the whims of others, to include judges or prosecutors, so he wrote The Petition of Right (1628).

Published without the author's name (to avoid arrest) in 1690, John Locke's 2nd Treatise of Civil Government should be required reading for anyone pretending to care about how society's evolve. As though chiselled in granite, the idea that rights are from laws of nature or nature's God come to life, which means that rights are exogenous to the system. Obviously, Thomas Jefferson was a big fan of Locke, and acknowledged as much. Concurrently, consistent thought from Montesquieu in France was behind their revolution, although that was funded by the Rothschild bank in Paris, who were upset that French Christian aristocracy would not allow them to benefit from large loans to the French government during times of war. That is why Christian aristocrats were beheaded, not just the men, but women and children.

However, the Rothschild's were Jewish supremacists and didn't want an inverted pyramid, instead they wanted a pyramid with themselves and other Jews at the top, and with Christians swearing homage and fealty to them. One reason for the pyramid and not the inverted pyramid is that Christians outnumber Jews so that Jews could never reign in a democratic republic, and the other reason is that the Rothschild banking clan are greedy.

Yes, the French aristocracy enforced a pyramid, so the French did not overthrow their aristocracy to replace with another. And that is the problem! How to get Christians to swear homage and fealty to Jewish bankers. Sound familiar? Mein Kampf?

The answer is debt.

There is a feudalism being imposed--not the techno-feudalism that Dr. Varoufakis claims--but the debtor's prison.

Sure, Keynes saw it coming. Not just his 1919 Economic Consequences of the Peace, where he correctly predicted the next European war, which results from the House of Rothschild in Paris insisting the onerous reparations of the 1919 Treaty of Versailles be imposed on Germans.

Keynes also weighed in at the infamous 1944 Bretton Woods Conference, which the Rothschild bankers and other wanted so as to avoid the 1921-23 hyper-inflation of Weimar Germany. The IMF and the International Bank of Reconstruction and Development are to use long periods of amortized payments to preserve repayment of debt in real currency. Just the maximum amount of payments that a country can sustain without resorting to hyper-inflation or the public resorting to revolution. That amount is referred to as "austerity."

Keynes insisted on the International Clearing House to avoid precisely the current situation in the EU, in Britain, and the US. The yearly interest payments on government debt exceed the GDP.

Keynes was shot down again. Possibly the greatest economist of all time was shot down twice.

Why? He got in the way of globalist bankers.

Joe Kennedy, JFK and Robert Kennedy disliked the Jews, in particular the Jewish mafia, as Joe Kennedy was an Irish mobster. RFK wrote 4 reports for the Boston Globe from British Palestine in 1948, completely unbiased, and describes correctly the attitude of the Arabs and the Jews. It is obvious from reading the reports that there is no two-state solution for either side, and the last 75 years have confirmed precisely that.

In 1956, the Egyptian Nassar seized the Suez Canal with intent of cutting off access to this critical waterway so as to gain concessions from Western powers to his political and religious agendas. France-Britain-Israel formed an alliance to regain control of the canal, but POTUS Eisenhower undermined the plan so as to remove France and Britain as colonial powers, while promoting the US. It also promoted the Soviet Union, which turned out to be a major miscalculation on the part of Ike.

JFK would not consent to Israel getting nuclear weapons.

RFK was very successful prosecuting the Italian mafia, to include Sam Giancana's connections, even though they helped JFK get the electoral votes in IL, and maybe WV and TX, although LBJ was the most likely reason JFK won TX in '60.

Henry Crown, powerful Chicago Jewish mafia, was under investigation for multiple illegal acts in procuring lucrative government defense contracts for General Dynamics in Forth Worth, TX. LBJ was also involved in a subset of the acts that Crown was investigated for. Crown needed the investigation to end.

The Bay of Pigs was a disaster to rid JFK of Allen Dulles, but even JFK didn't realize by how much Dulles had overstated the size and power of the resistance in Cuba. JFK also wanted the CIA disbanded. When the Cuban Missile Crisis--which had Americans holding their breath--was mishandled by JFK, the CIA's James Angleton decided Cuba had to be invaded. Khrushchev perceived the Bay of Pigs as a sign that JFK was a dove, not a hawk, and the Soviets wanted West Berlin and US missiles out of Italy and Turkey.

Khrushchev had in Cuba a much larger force of troops, weapons, missiles and equipment that US intel had picked up on. However, Castro wanted to stop the assassination attempts and invasion plans that were always being considered by JFK and advisors. Instead, Khrushchev was turning Castro into a puppet. So, Castro flipped sides and told the US that he no longer wanted Soviet troops or missiles in Cuba, which allowed JFK to attack under international law. Until then, JFK was in "check" from Khrushchev and about to be checkmated. The Soviets had to respect the blockade, West Berlin stayed as it was, but Turkey did lose US missiles. JFK had to promise not to invade Cuba.

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All it would take was for Castro or Khrushchev to change their minds, or another Soviet if Khrushchev was replaced, and the danger returns. Chicago was the assassination site, which Crown and Giancana wanted, but the motorcade was cancelled after a suspicious (sniper?) was sighted. Shift to Dallas, which JFK needed to prop up public support after it was announced LBJ was off the ticket, where Angleton set-up a triangulation-of-fire. French assassin at the overpass (through the throat, which is why both of JFK's hands go to the throat, else one hand would go to the back of the neck where a bullet entered). Cuban exile and partner (maybe Ruth Paine's ex), both where in workmen's clothes on the 6th floor of TSBD while Oswald was seen by an eyewitness at a table drinking a soda in the 2nd floor breakroom. Cuban exile missed when JFK reacted to shot to the front of the throat, and hit Governor Connelly instead. The two left via a back window onto worker's scaffolding already erected. Third shooter, Italian mafia but not from Chicago, shot from the grassy knoll. They were supposed to wound JFK, Oswald was supposed to be the patsy, and then escape when in federal custody (Oswald was also an informant for the FBI), which J Edgar Hoover had OKd. Once free, Oswald was to flee to Cuba, where Castro would accept him as a patsy because Oswald had built a CIA-sponsored profile as a Communist, and Oswald could feed the CIA intel as to what could be required for a successful invasion of Cuba.

Would have worked.

Crown wanted JFK dead, didn't tell Angleton that there was Mossad shooter at the Dal-Tex building. That is why Zapruder, pro-Zion and JFK hater, didn't shoot film from the Dal-Tex building, even though the location is ideal for filming the motorcade and his office was there. After retrieving his camera from home--an employee pestered him and he didn't want to arouse suspicion--Zapruder took an employee to the worse location for filming the motorcade, but an ideal location to capture the triangulation of fire and blame the CIA, while the Mossad could shoot to kill and that shot would not be obvious. Didn't work because Mossad hit JFK high in the back, and the 2nd shot missed and almost hit James Tague standing under the train overpass. This shot is what resulted in the single-bullet theory, but Angleton didn't know about it, so only expected to explain 3 shots.

Sam Giancana ruined Zapruder's plan because he also sent a secret assassin, which no one else knew about, and this Chicago mafia shot from the storm drain on Elm Street and almost took off half of the right side of JFK's head. This shot from a handgun was from such an angle that there was no way the grassy knoll rifle shot could explain it, especially what photo-analyst Dino Brugioni saw in the unaltered Zapruder film, before LBJ ordered the Secret Service to have the film altered by Hawk-Eye Works lab. They removed the limo almost stopping (which eyewitnesses swore happened), so JFK's head only slightly goes forward before back and to the left, and the part of his skull way above his head (which Brugioni swears he saw on the film) is undetectable.

Still, both hands to the throat immediately ruins the lone gunman story, not to mention the brutal head shot. So the Zapruder film was kept hidden, and LIFE magazine agreed not to show stills of the head shot (Zapruder claimed it was too upsetting).

Crown was not involved in Angleton-Hoover plan, thought Oswald would talk, so had Chicago Jewish mafia Jack Ruby assassinate Oswald. LBJ directed the cover-up, Hoover told LBJ that Oswald must be seen as the only gunman. LBJ was willing to risk 10-30 million Americans lives to nuke the Soviet Union out of existence (the US had a huge advantage in nuclear weapons), so the Soviets decided to keep it a "cold" war. LBJ, knowing JFK's promise to Castro, waited for any excuse to invade Cuba, which kept Castro under wraps. However, the Israeli's attacked the USS Liberty, a shipped manned by NSA personnel, and when reported that the Israelis knew it was a US ship, LBJ didn't act. Some speculate that he was scared after Crown took out JFK that he would be next if he stood up to Israel. Israel intended to claim the Egyptians attacked the ship because they wanted US military to come and die for their agenda.

In 1968, and I don't know much about the real story behind the MLK Jr assassination, RFK is going to open the JFK investigation because he knew the Warren Commission was a fake. It wasn't just his desire to show the CIA involvement, but that Jewish mafia were the catalyst. Sirhan Sirhan fit the desire to turn Americans against the Middle-East, but his two shots at RFK were not fatal, and the rest of the shots were at the hotel staff wrestling him to the ground. The hotel was co-owned by Zionists, and ever since the US is fighting against a cohort that want Christians under their rule.

Frank Sturgis and Howard Hunt were big-time CIA assets and would never be involved in something as trivial as Woodward and Bernstein alleged, but they believed FBI' Mark Felt, who fed Woodward a narrative. Nixon had Hunt research Chappaquiddick and Ted Kennedy didn't run. Nixon finally got the Pentagon Papers issue under control, but anti-Vietnam protests were an issue. It was the rumour that Castro sent damning evidence of the Bay of Pigs to the DNC at Watergate. Nixon was involved in oversight as VP under Eisenhower, and that would take him down. Nixon got VP Agnew to resign, so that when Gerald Ford took over, Nixon could threaten Ford into a pardon, else Nixon warned Ford that he could be compelled to talk about everything involved, which included Ford obstructing justice on the Warren Commission.


Get rid of income tax. A scam to take money from workers, who then can't afford a good life for their families and can't plan for retirement, then loan back the money they need.

Also, the tax allows the wealthy and connected to get Congress to fund their boondoggles.

Without the tax, few people would need to be on government assistance.

Can't default on the principal, but never pay interest of government debt. Instead, slowly pay down the principal and quit borrowing from bankers.

Either work or leave the country, and that goes for all the (im)migrants.

Old people, those that can't work, etc., can be taken care of.

No one else.

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Interesting essay! Jimmy Carter, may he rest in peace, was often associated with the term "Trilateral" due to his association with the ideologies of the Trilateral Commission and the fact that much of his admin was staffed by them, he presided over a historically pivotal shift into the so called Neoliberal Era. This era marked a transformation of the US economy from one largely governed by competitive market structures to one dominated by private sector central planning. While the groundwork for these changes had been laid over decades, Carter's administration oversaw their formalization, pursuing policies that led to private sector cartelization, and he advanced the dismantling of many of the beneficial financial and banking architectures that had existed since the 1830s (140 years!). These included policies that had promoted regional economic balance, decentralized financial power, a heterogenous, diffused and redundant economy which by extension was a big part of why we had an amazing heterogenous, diffused and redundant scientific and engineering research and development ecosystem, and a host of limited but when done well still substantial community banking capabilities that not provided social benefits and a modicum of local economic agency but also often kept local economies humming and contributing to our greater whole. Despite being remembered by many as a man of peace, Carter’s foreign policy legacy is complicated. While he notably pressured authoritarian regimes in South America to reduce human rights abuses, his administration also initiated or supported aggressive interventions elsewhere, such as in Afghanistan, where his actions sowed seeds of future violence. And the list of ultimately toxic domestic polices, such as the Bayh-Dole Act, that happened under his watch is fairly long and they have a common pattern….

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