Seems like the donors are missing the big picture - it simply isn’t appealing for normal people to be Democrats any longer. Many of the policies espoused by Dems are repulsive 🤮 to normal people. Things like DEI, open borders, transgender surgery for minors, boys playing girls’ sports and sharing their locker rooms are nonsensical to normal people. Why would a norm affiliate with people promoting such nonsense?

As if that weren’t bad enough for Dems, their messengers have become old, inarticulate and unattractive ( think Pelosi, Schumer, Jeffries, Waters, Biden, Harris, etc). Contrast that with the Republicans in the spotlight such as Hegseth, Gabbard, Vance, Rubio and Bondi who are young, articulate and telegenic. Dems are in a hole and have t stopped digging!

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You said exactly what I was thinking. I hope they continue to push those same ideas and drive more people to the MAGA GOP. I think what Trump is doing so far will draw more people to the MAGA GOP, and very few away.

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How Sweet it is lol

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They'll get used to it

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Haw Haw Haw

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When the only interest is in winning to retain or regain power and to continue to champion the murder of the unborn, the invasion of our country, and the colossal theft of one's countrymen, it would seem that these folks are entirely lost. They have absolutely nothing to offer to life, liberty, or the happiness of the people of this country.

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The Democrat party lurches from one cause to another in a never-ending quest to assuage its guilt. It now finds itself standing for nothing.

It's a mystery why people continue to pour so much time, energy and money into resurrecting a party that does not want to be saved, as opposed to just walking away.

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Methinks too that part of the explanation is that the current iteration of the Democrat Party is not so much a political party operating under "our democracy," but a chimera masking a radical, Collectivist revolutionary organization.

As such, it is internally and inherently contradictory. And much of the public (if not yet a critical mass) is intuitively sensing the contradiction.

Recall David Horowitz's 2007 book "The Shadow Party" describing George Soros' and Hillary Clinton's (then underway) efforts to takeover and radicalize the Democrat Party, all while maintaining an out-pretense as the "party of working families" (i.e., camouflage).

Then consider that a year later B. Hussein Obama was elected President. His radical background was described in Stanley Kurtz's 2010 book "Radical in Chief." (BTW, it includes a brilliant description of how "public option" and the "subprime crisis" are / were deliberate tactics by the Left for undermining our economy and transforming us into a Collectivist model.)

B. Hussein Obama's stated occupation "community organizer" was a euphemism for a Marxist agitator, and the phrase (if not the techniques) were coined by one Saul Alinsky ("Rules for Radicals").

The same Alinsky for whom young Hillary Rodham (Clinton) was an acolyte (Alinsky even offered her a job).

Alinsky, in "Rules for Radicals," recommended that radicals (Gramsci-like) burrow into our system and pretend to be part of it, while subverting it from within -- the notorious concept Cultural Marxists to engage in a "long march through the institutions."

I would argue that both Hillary and Obama - who I suspect is also a Muslim Brotherhood fellow-traveler, if not actual operative - have been doing Alinsky's bidding.

Alas, once those Cultural Marxists / community organizers advance to a certain level, their radicalism must start to be revealed, for their agenda cannot assume control without (at some point) revealing it (at least in part).

The third Obama term (a/k/a the unelected Biden-Harris Junta) could not but help beginning to remove the mask. Perhaps driven by haste to consummate by the (for them) hallowed year of 2030, and make up time after the unanticipated delay of the first Trump term.

Hopefully, as DOGE and DOJ continue, the rest of their mask will, against their will, be ripped-off for all the world to see.

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